

At LCWU, our commitment to transparency, accountability, and inclusivity is the bedrock of our policies. We've cultivated an environment where the highest standards of integrity and fairness thrive. These policies guide our actions, ensuring that we provide a nurturing and equitable space for every member of our LCWU Alumni community.

Fostering Integrity and Fairness : At LCWU, our commitment to transparency, accountability, and inclusivity is the bedrock of our policies. We've cultivated an environment where the highest standards of integrity and fairness thrive. These policies guide our actions, ensuring that we provide a nurturing and equitable space for every member of our LCWU Alumni community.

Auditing Alumni Funding: We maintain meticulous financial records of all alumni contributions and funding sources. These records undergo regular audits by seasoned professionals to guarantee accuracy and transparency.

Annual Financial Reports: LCWU Alumni generously shares annual financial reports with our members. These comprehensive reports outline income, expenses, and fund allocation. We make sure this information is accessible to all alumni, promoting transparency.

Independent Auditors: To ensure strict adherence to regulations and policies, we engage independent auditors who meticulously review our financial transactions.

Utilizing Alumni Funding Internally: Empowering Our Community

Programs and Initiatives: The heartbeat of LCWU Alumni lies in using funding to support diverse programs and initiatives designed to benefit our LCWU Alumni community. From scholarships to career development services, networking events, and community service projects, your contributions create meaningful impact.

Scholarships and Grants: A significant portion of alumni funding is dedicated to scholarships and grants. These resources provide invaluable financial support to current LCWU students and deserving individuals pursuing higher education.

Events and Activities: Our alumni funding breathes life into a vibrant calendar of alumni events, reunions, workshops, and other activities. These gatherings foster connections and fuel professional development.

Administrative Costs: To keep the wheels turning smoothly, a portion of the funding is allocated to cover administrative and operational costs. This includes maintaining our website, managing communications, and sustaining our dedicated staff.

Community Service: We believe in giving back to society. A part of the funding is allocated to community service and volunteer projects. These initiatives uphold the cherished values of LCWU.

Financial Aid: In times of unforeseen challenges, alumni funding steps in to provide emergency financial assistance to alumni in need.

Strategic Planning: LCWU Alumni regularly evaluates its strategic goals and priorities. Funding is thoughtfully allocated to initiatives that align with these objectives, ensuring progress and growth.

Transparency: We take pride in maintaining complete transparency in how funds are used. Regular financial reports and updates are provided to our members and stakeholders, reflecting our unwavering commitment to openness.

Our commitment to responsible financial management ensures that alumni funding is effectively used to support the dreams and aspirations of our LCWU Alumni community, all while upholding the principles of transparency and accountability. Together, we continue to make a meaningful difference.